Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Degree in Medicine

With the degree in Medicine you will learn the set of theoretical knowledge and clinical skills that all doctors must have, regardless of their subsequent professional orientation. You will not only acquire the theoretical foundations, but also the necessary experience and clinical training. This course will train you in all aspects of healthcare, teaching and research that a good professional must master to solve common problems in daily practice.

List of courses and subjects of the degree in Medicine where activities are carried out in the Center for Training and Innovation in Simulation (CFIS)


Subject (Compulsory) - Introduction to surgery


Subject (Compulsory) - Diseases of the respiratory system

Subject (Compulsory) - Rehabilitation, pain and anaesthesia

Subject (Compulsory) - Clinic I

y asiSubject (Compulsory) - Obstetrics and gynecology


Subject (Compulsory) - Clinic II

Subject (Compulsory) - Pediatrics


Subject (Compulsory) - Medical Clinic

Subject (Compulsory) - Obstetric and gynecological clinic

Subject (Compulsory) - Pediatric clinic

Subject (Compulsory) - Surgical clinic

Subject (Elective) - Emergency medicine, emergencies and catastrophes

Subject (Elective) - Surgical techniques

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)