The CFIS team
Clinical simulation professionals
The CFIS has a team of accredited and experimental professionals in the field of clinical simulation.
Antoni Castro Salomó
Director of the centre
MD-PhD in Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Internal Medicine. Director of the Internal Medicine Service of the HUSJR. Senior university professor. Professor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the URV.
Fàtima Sabench Pereferrer
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
MD-PhD from the Rovira i Virgili University. Associate university professor. Professor of Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the URV.
Maria Teresa Auguet Quintillà
Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Dr. in Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Internal Medicine. Head of the Internal Medicine Service of the HUJXXIII. University professor. Professor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the URV.
Alfredo Bardají Ruiz
Director of the Department of Medicine and Surgery
MD-PhD of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in cardiology. University professor. Professor of Cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the URV.. Former Director of the Cardiology Service at the HUJXXIII.
Joaquín Escribano Subías
Coordinator of the Reus Teaching Unit
MD-PhD of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Pediatrics. Director of the Pediatrics Service at HUSJR. University professor. Professor of Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the URV.
Francisco Manuel Martín Lujan
Coordinator of the Tarragona Teaching Unit
MD-PhD of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Family and Community Medicine. University professor. Professor of General Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the URV.
Coordination of university degrees
Sónia Monterde Pérez
Physiotherapy Degree Coordinator
PhD from the Rovira i Virgili University. Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Degree. Lecturer in the Physiotherapy Unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the URV.
Marta Romeu Ferran
Medicine Degree Coordinato
PhD from the Rovira i Virgili University. Coordinator of the Medicine Degree. Professor of the Pharmacology Unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the URV.
Nancy Elvira Babio Sánchez
Human Nutrition and Dietetics Degree Coordinator
PhD from the Rovira i Virgili University. Coordinator of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Professor of the Human Nutrition Unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the URV.
Center team
Imma Vallverdú Perapoch
SVB / SVI / SVA projects
Intensive Care Medicine Specialist. Director of the Intensive Care Medicine Service at HUSJR, Coordinator of the CCR and medical associate at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the URV.
Josep M. Barroso Jornet
Pediatric Coordinator
Specialist in pediatrics. Pediatric Neurology associate physician, pediatric training coordinator and medical associate at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the URV.
Conxita Rovira Anglès
SVB / SVI / SVA projects
Intensive Care Medicine Specialist. Clinical Head of the Intensive Care Medicine Service and medical associate at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the URV.
Remei Tell Busquets
Formative communication
Specialist in Family and Community Medicine. Family doctor at ABS Alt Camp Oeste. Head of Chronicity EBA CAP Alcover. ATDOM Group of CAMFiC. Collaborating Researcher at HUSJR.
Annabel Pellicer Sanahuja
Innovation and teaching
Doctor of Family and Community Medicine at the CAP of La Selva del Camp and associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the URV.
Isaac Francín Daimiel
Laboratory technician
CFIS laboratory technician and teaching support responsible for the entire computer and audiovisual system, skills laboratories and technical room, simulators, as well as the center's social networks and website.
Carles Anguera Ariño
Management and logistics technician
CFIS activity management and logistics technician responsible for the creation and training of courses, loan of material, purchases and administrative management.
Juan González Ramírez
PSI trainer
Diploma in Physiotherapy. Physiotherapist at the La Muntanyeta Special Education Centre. Simulated patient trainer.
Núria Miró Serra
Management and administrative support technique
Attention and support to students, teachers and professionals of the Hospital to the Teaching Unit of Sant Joan Reus. Supervision of theoretical teaching and clinical practices of the Degrees of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Pilar Budesca López
Management and administrative support technique
Attention and support to students, teachers and professionals of the Hospital to the Teaching Unit of Joan XXIII Tarragona. Supervision of theoretical teaching and clinical practices of the Degrees of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Cristina Pérez García
Support for educational innovation
Collaboration in training activities, design of educational material for the OBEMAT project and development of communication tools on childhood obesity. Analysis of educational results and planning of training programs based on indicators. Student of master's degree in Innovation in social and educational intervention.
Daniela Andrade Torricos
Administrative support
Administrative support in the CFIS. 4th year Finance and Accounting student.
More professionals
Pere Romero Aroca - Esp. Ophthalmology – MD-PhD in Medicine and Surgery - Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Director of the Ophthalmology Service of the HUSJR.
Maria del Carmen Boqué Oliva - Esp. Intensive Medicine – Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Emergency Coordinator, Generalitat de Catalunya.
Albert Feliu Rovira - Esp. Pediatrics – MD-PhD in Medicine and Surgery - Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Tutor of the Ophthalmology Service at HUSJR.
Simona Mihaela Iftimie Iftimie - Esp. Intensive Medicine – MD-PhD in Medicine and Surgery - Graduate in Medicine - Internal Medicine, HUSJR.
Pere Cavallé Busquets - Esp. Obstetrics and Gynecology – MD-PhD in Medicine and Surgery - Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Director of the Obstetrics Service, HUSJR.
Ramón Descarrega Queralt - Esp. Family and Community Medicine – Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Director of Healthcare and Primary Care, HUSJR.
Isabel Clara Megías Rangil - Esp. Nutritionist – MD-PhD in Medicine and Surgery - Graduate in Dietetics and Food - Dietician-Nutritionist HUSJR.
Salvador José Hernández Flix - Esp. Pulmonology – Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Director of the Pulmonology Service HUSJR.
Antonio Sánchez Marín - Esp. General Surgery – Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Director of the General and Digestive Surgery Service HUSJR.
Joan Domènech Calvet - Esp. General Surgery – Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Tutor of the General and Digestive Surgery Service HUSJR.
Jordi Sánchez Sánchez - Esp. Anesthesia and Resuscitation – Graduate in Medicine and Surgery - Clinical Coordinator of the Anesthesia, Resuscitation and Pain Service HUSJR.
Ana Felisa López - Coordinator of Nosocomial Infection Nursing HUSJR.
Núria Pitarch Pàmies - Administrative Manager of the Medicine and Surgery Department - Simulated patient at the CFIS.
Simulated patients
Alba Porta Soler Judit Domínguez Martínez Laia Boyer Subirats |
Lluís Booth Olesti Montserrat Parra Anento Neus Ferre Martín Núria Pitarch Pàmies |
Pedro Calvet Ortiz de Pinedo |